Telecommunications and computing has always been an area of technology with huge effect and importance and will definitely continue to be moving forward. When we are talking about telecommunications and computing we are talking about the electronic transmissions of information through technologies such as radios, satellites, wireless networks, and wires. This is something that occurs every day, every single second of the day. It is something that has evolved throughout the years and continues to evolve throughout till this day. How this information is processed and shared throughout has changed so much and there are also now so many ways to do that. We have found four areas of disruption which exhibit exactly that: 5G, edge computing, quantum computing, automated reality, and zero touch. They are changing telecommunications as we know it and are changing the world as we know it. The ultimate goal between them all is to make things easier and more efficient whether it be for us consumers, businesses, the government, or even the world and environment as a whole.         
Stakeholders impacted   
In terms of stakeholders, almost every single person will be impacted in some way, shape, or form. Consumers will be impacted heavily, the way they will be able to obtain and share information and will be easier and faster for them. An example of this is already evident through zero touch and contactless payments through features like Apple Pay or Google Pay. Businesses and companies will also be impacted, including their employees, 5G connectivity will allow them to work even faster and more efficiently. The government will definitely be impacted due to how important communication is between governments. This communication will be enhanced further, and they will be able to communicate at a faster rate and distance. The government has already invested a lot into quantum computing and quantum research, because they believe it could be vital to solving complex data sets which would help many projects going forward.  Technology has become such a necessary and important component of the world, that any change or development is going to reach and impact anyone and anything that is done moving forward.        
Industries Impacted    
We said that for stakeholders, almost every person will be impacted somehow. The same thing can be said for industries and even more. Some industries are going to be transformed and revolutionized completely by the technology and innovation that is within telecommunications and computing. Two industries that will be impacted are manufacturing and agriculture. "Smart manufacturing" and "Smart farming" are where these two industries are headed for the future, especially as 5G continues to grow. For example, for smart manufacturing it estimated the current spending on increasing technologies in manufacturing is close to $280 billion dollars per year worldwide. This number is projected to increase as well in the future. Other industries will be impacted as well, like the media and educational industry. How we obtain information and how that information is presented and taught will change in the future. Even the automotive industry will be impacted by the growth and manufacturing of autonomous vehicles through the use of 5G and Quantum Computing. Countless industries will be impacted, with the goal of this impact is to make things easier or faster for any actions taken within the industry.                                 
The opportunities are endless within telecommunications and computing, there are so many innovative ideas and technologies that can be brought to life and used in many different ways. For example, for "Smart Farming", 5G technology can allow for autonomous tractors and the use of sensors and drones in the fields. This will increase both the quantity and quality of products produced, and better improve the human labor aspect that is needed for farming. Quantum Computing can potentially boost forecasting and manufacturing speed, for weather forecasting we can be more prepared for potential bad weather. Augmented reality can change all types of learning as we know it, both educational and even in the workplace. Augmented reality apps can enhance learning for students in elementary school to even students in college. They can provide a more visual and interactive learning experience, replacing the paper textbooks and physical models that are used. Companies can also use augmented reality for hands-on training for their employees as well. This will make job training faster and more interactive for employees. Edge computing has the potential to help within healthcare and medical devices in terms of getting faster readouts and finding solutions quicker.      
In terms of trends, the developments that have been made over the past years and that will continue to be made are cause for excitement. Telecommunications and computing is trending in a direction full of technology that increases speed, efficiency, and will make everything easier throughout the world. 5G and how it continues to grow will be key because it will enable other technologies like A.R, V.R, and IoT. These technologies themselves will open up multiple innovative doors themselves thus changing our world even more. Investments into quantum and edge computing have been made and will continue to be made in the future, there is a strong belief in their potential. These types of computing will be counted on in the future to help with important processes in important industries like the military and healthcare industry.  
Our timeline for the future is one full of growth and exploration. We expect the overall market share and implementation of 5G to continue to grow and continue. Thus, reducing 4G; 6G is still many years away. Augmented reality will continue to be explored through the use of smart phone apps, it will begin to have different uses like for learning and training. Investment and research into quantum computing will continue to be made. In about 5-10 years from it will be counted on within important industries.future 

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